
A Home At The End of The World (2004)

I watched this movie again after seeing Robin Wright Penn recently in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee. She is so good at playing the vulnerable woman who is out there in the world trying to find her way. This film is set to a gorgeous Laura Nero soundtrack. Collin Ferrell survives a difficult childhood in the 1970s that leads him to move in with his best friend, Dallas Roberts (later seen on The L Word) whose mom is played by Sissy Spacek. Don't miss the priceless scene of her suburban mom character smoking pot and dancing with the boys who have developed a close relationship. They grow apart for awhile after high school as the Dallas character goes off to college and finds his gay identity, but a few years later they both wind up in the east village of NYC a few living together with Robin Wright Penn, a bohemian hat designer. An expoloration of relationship, loss and grief, self-discovery and sexual identity, this complex tale is not your mainstream coming of age story.

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