Some truisms that were spoken during the film...
The best guide is your heart.
You can be happy only if you make other people happy.
Yoga is different things to different people.
Are you ready?
Being religious is the same as being yourself.
I always enjoy watching the laughter yoga people who chant "hohohahaha." Extra Features include extended interviews with Norman Allen and BKS Iyengar. You will enjoy this if you would like to know more about the complex yoga tradition that has become surprisingly popular in recent years.
I watched it this winter afternoon. I expected it to be a "feel good" new agey documentary, but was pleasantly surprised at how engaging it was. The young protagonist, Nick, was very smart and inquistive and had just the right amount of cynicism to keep the film interesting all the way through. I definitely related to him. The meetings with "remarkable men", or gurus, were also interesting in how differently the same questions that were posed were answered. I liked Norman, the Hawaiian yogi best. I give it one and a half thumbs up.